This update brings some big changes and features to the Taxi Butler PRO 3.0 on iCabbi.
Smart destination suggestions![](https://get.taxibutler.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/powered_by_google_on_white.png)
Venues and customers get clear and transparent price estimations with the built-in price estimator.
- Users start typing in the passenger's destination and receive address suggestions
- Users can choose from recent destinations or popular destinations
- The destination links to the driver's GPS
Instant price estimations
Enter destinations in an instant or choose from recent and popular ones.
- Fill out the destination and users get a live price estimation
- Venue staff can give clear information to passengers
- Improve passenger experience
Custom user interface branding
Match the UI (user interface) colours on the PRO 3.0 with your brand colours to increase your brand visibility and strength.
- Device UI colours matches your branding
- Improve brand visibility and consistency
Full release notes
General improvements
- Increased modem speed by 800%
- A more modern and intuitive interface
- Language selector built-in to the device
- Protect the settings menu with a password
- First-time installation wizard helps you to quickly set up the PRO
- Your venues can now find any destination in the world using our search engine powered by Google
- Your venues can search by street, company name, point of interest, postcode and city
- The device will start offering auto-complete full address after entering 3 characters
- See distance to the destination in kilometres or miles depending on your location
- Driver receives the destination coordinates on their navigation
- The device remembers the most frequently used destinations and list them for easy input
- The device remembers the destination for last used trip for easy repeat bookings
Trip price estimation
- Show a price estimate on-screen prior to placing the booking
- The booking price estimation is calculated using your iCabbi system
Taxi type
- Your venues can now see a description of the vehicle type they are booking
Passenger info
- All passenger information is collected on a single page
- Enter a passenger name for the booking
- Enter a passenger phone number for the booking
Device theming
- Change PRO 3.0 interface colours to match your branding
Company settings page
- Manage company settings on the “company settings page”
- Create default venue settings and default PRO 3.0 settings.
- New venues automatically inherit default settings
- Added possibility of choosing the PRO with only Wi-Fi to reduce costs
- Passengers scan a QR code on the PRO or receive an SMS which takes them their booking status page. The page is updated automatically with live status updates.