Making taxi booking easier for venues across Liverpool
Alpha Taxis are Liverpool’s largest private hire firm. They cover hotels, business accounts and passenger journeys on a daily basis.

Steven McKinlay
Business Development Manager

Steven joined Alpha Taxis in September 2017. He has a proven track record in relationship management and business development. He now heads up new business for Alpha Taxis.
“Taxi Butler supported our taxi company by giving our venues an easier and simpler way of booking taxis directly with our fleet.”

Increasing taxi bookings from venues
By placing the Taxi Butlers in our local venues, we have increased our amount of taxi bookings from venues. Venues now proactively offer taxis as a part of their service.
Improving automation
Taxi Butler’s integration with our dispatch software means that all of the bookings from venues go directly into our system and bypass entirely the call centre.

Ensuring local market share
The simplicity of booking a taxi with Taxi Butler’s booking devices mean that our venues now book taxis exclusively with our fleet and helps us to acquire new business with local venues.